Be with "What Is" and Experience Freedom

During a recent meditation group, we had a short discussion about energetic shielding and protection.  It was a very popular metaphysical topic, teaching and practice which is now moving aside as we all embrace and become the light.

Most protection schemes that put up walls and shields will not work. Plus, a major downside is that walls and shields will isolate and/or insulate you from the all that is.  When you can be with "what is" in your life, you have the opportunity to move with it, past it or through it.  You live in freedom.   

Each one of us, and You are to be a movement in life.  A movement of love, inspiration, peace, and compassion.  To move freely you must not reside behind walls or shields. Instead, we can cultivate our inner state into one of presence and peace.

Become the light. Live in the light. Eat, sleep, breathe, the light.  Live your life taking care of yourself, being vigilant, being mindful, and accumulating wisdom through your life experiences. Be PROACTIVE instead of reactive.

An insight about "protection" from Rainer Maria Rilke who wrote:

(...the protected heart...)
"never exposed to loss, innocent and secure,
cannot know tenderness;
only the won-back heart can ever be satisfied:
free, through all it has given up,
to rejoice in its mastery."