IET TRAINING - Advanced Level
In-Person Training at our Naples, FL location

TUE, APR 30, 2024: Advanced IET
9:30 - 6:00 EASTERN TIME

REFRESHER FEE $150 (for previous students)

Integrated Energy Therapy® Certification

The IET training classes are each powerful days of self-healing and energy therapy certification training. In each class, you will be attuned to a powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12-strand Spiritual DNA.

You will learn how to heartlink to the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing.

You will learn how each primary human emotion is correlated to a specific physical region of the body, as well as how to use the IET integration power points to clear them. No prior energy therapy experience is needed. You will be taught how to feel and interpret energy flow, clear energy patterns in yourself and others, and unlock your soul’s purpose.

The classes are designed for those who would like to use energy therapy to illuminate and heal their lives, they are ideal for those wishing to begin an energy therapy practice or to use as a complement with other holistic techniques. IET is also beneficial for moms and dads to balance the energy at home.

III Advanced Level IET Class (One Day Class)

In the advanced training class, receive an attunement to the Advanced IET energy ray. It unlocks the 5th pair of DNA and activates the energy of your soul’s purpose. Practice a “Soul Star” clearing to activate the soul’s purpose. Learn how to use the Heartnet Process to manifest dreams. Practice the use of the powerful Energy Wave technique to clear resistance in the body. Learn to give an Advanced IET Session with isometric arms and leg exercises. Experience building Heartbeams to anchor angelic energy into the Earth.


IET Training

In person at our Naples, FL location.
This advanced class is $300.