RCT Therapy and Sessions with JOHN

You can book a session at any time using the payment buttons.

  • What is RCT ? (read more)

  • If you’d like a session without a phone call, you may pay for your session now and I will do the session promptly - usually the same day if during the week, else it will be 1 - 2 days.

  • To schedule a session with a phone call, please use the form to request an appointment time depending on schedule.

  • Once you have a confirmed phone session, please pay for your session at least one day before our scheduled day and time.

Note: Before your first session with me, please complete the Intake Form at the bottom of the appointments page.

GO HERE to complete the INTAKE FORM

ReConnective Therapy Treatment
with email Follow-Up $65

ReConnective Therapy Treatment
with Live Coaching Call $125

NOTE: You must schedule a phone session in advance. Once you have a confirmed day and time, purchase your session one or more days before the scheduled time. Use the form below to request an appointment time. The call is one full hour.

What is Reconnective Therapy?

ReConnective Therapy (RCT)  works primarily with the energetic body and body systems.  RCT restores missing connections in the energy body and also restores connections between the energy body and the physical body. Disconnections within the energy body can be caused by many factors including physical and emotional trauma, environmental stress, long-term emotional and mental patterns etc. 

As the connections between the energy body and the physical body are re-established, the physical body to able to receive more complete information about how to be structured, and how to function. This has a great benefit to physical healing of any type. It also affects the related emotional and mental patterns.


More about sessions

Most of the time, I do RCT sessions as individual distance sessions. The distance sessions can be done in one of two ways:

  • If you would like to receive the session without a phone call, the cost is $65 and includes an email follow-up.

  • If you would like to be on a phone call during the session, the call will be 60 minutes and the cost is $125. (Previously the calls were 30 minutes.)

  • To have a phone session, please use the form first.

  • To have a session without a phone call, you may pay now (fastest) or use the form to schedule.